Lord I Believe in you

Solista 1:
Though I can’t see Your holy face
And Your throne in heaven above
It seems so far away
Though I cant touch your nail scarred hands
I have a deep and unspeakable joy
That makes my faith to standLord, I believe in You
I’ll always believe in You
Though I cant see you with my eyes
Deep in my heart
Your presence I find
Lord, I believe in You
And Ill keep my trust in You
Let the whole world say what they may
No one can take this joy away
Lord, I believe


Solista 2:
Enviado del cielo
Eres aquel escogido por Dios
Eres el único y cierto camino
Hasta su Corazón
Moriste en la Cruz
Resucitaste y Hoy vives en mi
Venciste al pecado y la muerte
y ahora soy libre al fin
Cristo yo creo en ti
Yo siempre Creere en ti
Aunque no pueda verte Señor
Eres Real en mi Corazón
Cristo yo creo en ti
Yo siempre creere en ti
Aunque se niegue en mundo a creer
No dejàre mi gozo perder
Lord I Believe      I believe
(Lord, I believe in You
I’ll always believe in You)
Though I can’t see you with my eyes
Deep in my heart Your presence I find
Lord, I believe in You
And I’ll keep my trust in You
so, Let this whole world say what they may
No one can take this joy away


Lord I believe in you, I’ll always believe
Though I can’t see you with my eyes
Deep in my heart Your presence I find
Lord, I believe in You
And I’ll keep my trust in You
so  Let this whole world let them say what, what  they say
No one can take
this joy(4) away(4)
Lord, I believe, I believe

Info Line
  • info generali:
    338 2286662 - Mauro
  • info matrimoni:
    349 5639193 - Roberta
  • info concerti:
    338 2875367 - Paolo

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