Jesus lover of my soul
let me to thy bosom fly,
while the nearest waters roll
while the tempest still is high ( 2 volte )


Hide saviour hide me saviour hide
‘til the storm of life is past
safe into the heaven guide
and receive my soul at last,
and receive my soul at last. ( 2 volte )


Planteous grace with thee is found
grace to cover all my sin
let the healing streams abound
make and keep me pure within ( 2 volte )


Hide saviour hide me saviour hide
‘til the storm of life is past
safe into the heaven guide
and receive my soul at last,
and receive my soul at last. ( 2 volte )
Jesus is the lover of my soul…
He’s the lover of my soul…

Info Line
  • info generali:
    338 2286662 - Mauro
  • info matrimoni:
    349 5639193 - Roberta
  • info concerti:
    338 2875367 - Paolo

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