This is the day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it
Sing to the Lord, let us give him praise
Let us rejoice and be glad ( repeat )


Be glad in what he’s done
Be glad in the victories won
Be glad in God’s own son
Let us rejoice and be glad


He brought me out of the miry clay
He set my feet on a rock to stay
He put a song in my heart today
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice and be glad


Be glad in what’s he’s done
Be glad in the victories won
Be glad in God’s own son
Let us rejoice and be glad ( repeat )


Mercy was great and grace was free
Pardon was multiplied to me
In Him my soul found liberty
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice,
Let us rejoice and be glad


Sing to the Lord let us give Him praise
Let us rejoice and be glad


Let us rejoice and be glad


This is the day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it
Sing to the Lord, let us give him praise
Let us rejoice and be glad


Let us rejoice, let us rejoice,Let us rejoice and be glad


Sing to the Lord let us give Him praise
Let us rejoice


Sing to the Lord let us give Him praise
Let us rejoice, Let us rejoice, Let us rejoice, Let us rejoice and be glad
And be glad

Info Line
  • info generali:
    338 2286662 - Mauro
  • info matrimoni:
    349 5639193 - Roberta
  • info concerti:
    338 2875367 - Paolo

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