Hail holy queen enthroned above, oh Maria.
Hail mother of mercy and of love, oh Maria.
Triumph all ye cherubim, sing with us ye seraphim.
Heaven and earth resound the hymn.
Salve, salve, salveregina.


Hail holy queen enthroned above, oh Maria.
Hail mother of mercy and of love, oh Maria.
Triumph all ye cherubim, sing with us ye seraphim.
Heaven and earth resound the hymn.
Salve, salve, salveregina.


Our life, our sweetness here below, oh Maria.
Our hope in sorrowcy and in woe, oh Maria.
Triumph all ye cherubim, sing with us ye seraphim.
Heaven and earth resound the hymn.
Salve, salve, salveregina.


Mater a mater intermerata, sanctus, sanctus, dominus.
Virgo respice mater ad spice, sanctus, sanctus, dominus.

Info Line
  • info generali:
    338 2286662 - Mauro
  • info matrimoni:
    349 5639193 - Roberta
  • info concerti:
    338 2875367 - Paolo

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